Why is a Data Engine Necessary For our ML Team?

Today’s machine learning teams confront similar difficulties, such as the requirement to provide higher quality training data, speed up model iterations, and assist their firm in gaining a competitive advantage through performant AI. Even the most complex models may be built by teams using a practical and smooth data engine in the field of labeling in machine learning.

What is a data engine?

As part of the curation of unstructured data and the creation of training data, including related quality control procedures, a data engine is a system that links humans and neural networks with data. When humans interact with data, the ideal data engine makes sure that they can do so quickly and effectively. It also makes sure that automation and programmatic solutions are in place to keep data moving quickly through these processes.

Data Engines Generate Quality Training Data Faster

The effectiveness of the labeled data as well as the caliber of its annotations have a significant impact on the training data’s quality. A data engine’s closed-loop system makes sure that the model’s performance during training determines which assets will be labeled next. ML teams may create smaller training datasets with considerably better model performance using this active learning technique. The labeling process goes quickly while lowering costs and labeling budgets because the datasets labeled using this technique are smaller. The specific requirements of our clients are accounted for in our data annotation services. High-quality text annotation, video annotation, audio annotation, and image annotation are the main areas of concentration for our data labeling services

Data engines enable teams to iterate faster and more efficiently on their models

Labeling in machine learning teams may speed up their iterative cycles and train precise models by using a data engine that enables groups to provide high-quality training data quickly. Systems will train models more effectively if they employ the active learning method covered in the section above. Active learning can ensure that models make significant leaps in performance with every iteration and with less training data in contrast to traditional training techniques, which can lead to diminishing returns with late-stage iterations even with a training dataset exponentially larger than those used in the first few iterations.

Data engines help ML teams build a competitive advantage for their organizations

It is no longer sufficient for enterprises to adopt (or even slightly modify) off-the-shelf models and publicly available datasets in order to obtain and preserve competitive advantage in light of the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence across all sectors and divisions. They must create and train their own models, or significantly alter those that already exist. Businesses are increasingly realizing that the AI models that perform best for their particular use cases are those that were trained on their own unique data.No elements is more essential in machine learning than quality training data. We provide the best data labeling services. When their iteration cycle runs at the same rate (or a slower one than their competitors), even AI teams constructing models from scratch and training them on data considered important intellectual property (IP) may find it difficult to create a competitive advantage for their organizations. Teams with a data engine can not only create effective models more quickly but can also make continual improvements until the models are unreplicable by any other team, even if they use the same initial model and training data.


Today Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have become a way of life for most prominent sectors. However, all businesses are not able to make the most use of it due to limited resources, unavailability of technological advances, and more.

DataLabeler helps you with accurate, convenient, personalized, and quality-labeled datasets for your various Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence initiatives or projects. So, you could focus on your core areas seamlessly. Contact us now for more information