Why AI-assisted content moderation will never be able to take the position of human moderators

Automation in content moderation is a broad concept. In certain aspects, AI content moderation systems use very little intelligence. AI in content moderation can refer to the use of a variety of automated approaches at various phases of content moderation. These techniques might range from simple keyword filters to machine learning and a wide range of tools and methodologies. AI looks to be the ideal response to the rising difficulties of content moderation on social media platforms, given the vast amount of data, the frequency of violations, and the need for human judgments without requiring people to make them. Consequently, most companies are outsourcing data labelling services to build robust machine-learning models. AI depends extensively on data and requires correctly annotated, classified, and anonymized data so that the machine learning algorithms can learn and get trained for better performance.

Consequently, most data labelling companies are outsourcing data labelling services to build robust machine-learning models. AI depends extensively on data and requires correctly annotated, classified, and anonymized data so that the machine learning algorithms can learn and get trained for better performance. Deep learning aims to mimic the way the human mind digests information and detects patterns, which makes it a perfect way to train vision-based AI programs. Using deep learning models, those platforms are able to take in a series of labeled photo sets to learn to detect objects like aeroplanes, faces and guns.

Technology and Human Moderators

While artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way, and companies are continually refining their AI algorithms, we still require human moderators to maintain the brand online and ensure your content is of high quality. Humans are still the greatest at reading, comprehending, interpreting, and filtering information. As a result, for building an online presence and curating content, elite companies will combine AI and human expertise.

Humans can hold discussions

If you want to engage your audience in actual online conversations, you’ll need human moderators. No one is fooled just yet, even though AI is being trained to be more communicative. Chatbots, for example, maybe helpful in communicating with customers and giving simple information. They lack the compassion needed to properly engage with clients in a meaningful and personalized conversation. Human-in-the-loop moderation is ideal for connecting with customers. They can respond to comments and messages quickly, allowing for a two-way conversation.

Humans can decipher hidden meanings in sentences

Human moderators are better at reading between the lines, which is one of the most essential reasons for utilizing them. Hidden meanings will occasionally elude an AI, even though a human could usually grasp the meaning in a fraction of a second.

Humans have a better chance of learning about business.

Human-in-the-loop moderation also gives moderators a greater understanding of what their clients are thinking. They’ll be able to see any notable trends that arise. Human moderators understand the value of social listening and are skilled at posing questions to customers and requesting feedback on products and services. Human moderators may help your company go forward by engaging customers, reading between the lines, and taking suggestions seriously. The information they receive may be put to good use in your organization and used to guide future marketing strategies and activities.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to mistake an inappropriate post for an appropriate one, and vice versa. Humans are still necessary for the content moderation process to parse apart those nuanced and subjective images, videos, and posts that artificial intelligence might miss due to its lack of true human understanding. Human content moderators are called upon to employ an array of very high-level cognitive functions and cultural competencies to make decisions about the appropriateness of such content for a site or platform.

About Us:

Humans are still a long way from being entirely replaced by AI. On the other side, using AI as a preliminary screening for human moderators can offer you the best of both worlds. However, if you too want to increase your competitive advantage and grow your Artificial Intelligence projects, a collab with Data Labeler will be the right choice. Data Labeler is an excellent platform to grow your AI initiatives. With 1000+ expert data labelers, we aim to empower brands around the globe.