The Future of Facial Recognition – The Aspects, Advancements and Limitations

Do you know what are the benefits of Facial Recognition Systems?

  • Helps locate missing persons efficiently
  • Improves medical care and safeguards businesses against fraud
  • Enhanced security precautions
  • Shopping becomes easier
  • Decreases the number of touchpoints
  • Organises photos
  • And more…

Let’s discuss the Future of Facial Recognition Systems:
One could think that facial recognition only serves to unlock their smartphone.
But, its function is more significant. In reality, facial recognition technology can improve
customer experiences, increase crime prevention, and advance society’s safety and
security adversely.

Today globally, seven out of ten governments make extensive use of face recognition
technology (FRT). And according to 68% of Americans, facial recognition can make
society safer.
Facial Recognition and Its Future aspects
Using a person’s face, facial recognition technology may recognize or verify their
identity. It is possible to identify persons in real-time or in real-world scenarios using
facial recognition software.

One kind of biometric security is facial recognition. The ability to recognize voices,
fingerprints, and the retina or iris of the eye are all examples of additional biometric
software. Despite growing interest in other applications, the technology is now mostly
employed for security and law enforcement.

Are you aware?
Facebook Deep Face has a 97% accuracy rate when determining whether two faces in
photographs belong to the same individual.

Following are various uses for the Technology:

  • Airports & Border security
    A growing number of visitors have biometric passports, which enable them to speed up
    the check-in process by avoiding the typically lengthy lines and instead passing through
    an automated ePassport control. The use of facial recognition not only shortens wait
    times but also enhances security at airports.
  • Decrease in Retail Crime
    Facial recognition is used to recognize people who are known as shoplifters, organized
    retail criminals, or have a history of fraud. To alert professionals in loss prevention and
    retail security when customers who could pose a threat enter the store, photographs of
    individuals can be compared against enormous databases of criminals.
  • Banking
    In Banking sector, the hackers can steal just by using facial recognition without any
    password. Hence, ‘Liveliness’ detection is a mandate. It is a method for determining if
    the source of a biometric sample is a living human being or a fake representation. And
    this is how it should stop hackers from utilising your photo database for impersonation.
  • Healthcare
    Facial recognition is used in hospitals to assist in patient care. Healthcare organisations
    are experimenting with the use of facial recognition to access patient records, speed up
    patient registration, identify specific hereditary disorders, and even assist patients
    express emotion and suffering.
  • Tracking Attendance
    To prevent students from missing class, certain Chinese educational institutions employ
    face recognition technology. Students’ identities are verified by using tablets to scan
    their faces and compare them to pictures stored in a database. The technology can be
    used to sign employees in and out of the office so that employers can monitor
  • Recognizing drivers
    According to a consumer survey report, automakers are testing the use of facial
    recognition to replace car keys. The technology would play a part in being the key to
    unlock and start the vehicle and remember the driver’s preferred settings for the seat,
    mirrors, and radio station presets.

Business entities should be aware of the few limitations that comes with facial
recognition technology.

The four drawbacks of facial recognition technology are listed below.

  • Processing and storing of data
  • Bad Picture Quality
  • Low Resolution Images
  • Unsuitable Face Angles

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