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Data Labeler

Unlock the Reseller Benefits of Data Annotation Services with Data Labeler
February 21, 2024

Unlock the Reseller Benefits of Data Annotation Services with Data Labeler

Creating a high-performing machine learning model requires data labeling. Data labeling may be difficult to apply even when it seems straightforward. Thus, to choose the optimal strategy for data labeling, businesses must take into account a variety of variables and techniques.  Given that each data labeling technique has advantages and disadvantages of its own, it […]

Human-in-the-Loop: How Does AI Training Get Better with Human Involvement?
January 15, 2024

Human-in-the-Loop: How Does AI Training Get Better with Human Involvement?

People can verify whether a Machine Learning model’s predictions were accurate or inaccurate during training by using Human-in-the-loop machine learning, or HITL ML. HITL enables training with information that Let’s examine this Machine Learning methodology. How Machine Learning models are trained? Acquiring knowledge entails being able to reduce mistakes. A child learns that something went […]

Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth Services Evolving with New AI Technologies
October 24, 2023

Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth Services Evolving with New AI Technologies

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in healthcare. One of the popular healthcare applications, remote patient monitoring (RPM), helps clinicians keep track of patients with acute or chronic illnesses in far-flung locales, elderly individuals receiving in- home care, and even hospitalized patients. The analysis of medical imagery and the correlation of symptoms and biomarkers […]

What major role does Artificial Intelligence play in US National Security?
October 11, 2023

What major role does Artificial Intelligence play in US National Security?

The national security landscape is being quickly altered by artificial intelligence (AI). Nationsare relying more and more on AI to protect their interests in a time when technology is acentral part of our lives. The importance of striking a balance between innovation andsecurity is explored in this blog, which digs into the relationship between AI […]

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