Imagine a world where machines have human-level perception, interpretation, and understanding of images. Gartner projects that by 2025, 75% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed outside conventional data centers, with a significant portion of that data consisting of photos and videos. Computer Vision Annotation, an AI technique that lets computers recognize and categorize images, will be important in this scenario.
The image recognition market is anticipated to expand from USD 26.2 billion in 2020 to USD 53.0 billion by 2025, according to MarketsandMarkets. The procedure of Keypoint annotation plays a crucial role in propelling this expansion.
Labeling particular landmarks on objects in pictures or videos to describe their position, shape, orientation, or movement is known as keypoint annotation. Keypoint skeletons are larger constructions made up of several linked keypoints.
Keypoints can represent different parts of the image, including corners, edges, or certain features, depending on the application. For instance, they can identify the mouth, nose, and eyes in a facial recognition system, and they can represent the body’s joints in a human posture estimation system using keypoints.
They are excellent for getting training data ready for:
Some of the most difficult computer vision jobs employ keypoint annotation. Keypoints and Keypoint Skeletons, for example, are crucial for jobs requiring more precision and precise data, such as Facial Recognition, Gesture Recognition, and Body Pose Detection.
Keypoint Annotation is also ideal when examining the spatial interactions between several objects or particles, such as football players on the pitch.
To offer training data for Machine Learning Models, people frequently annotate keypoints using specialized apps and methods. Keypoint annotation usually entails hand-picking and labeling the pertinent points within a picture or video clip. Although it can take a lot of work, doing this is essential to getting precise and trustworthy outcomes.
A basic Keypoint annotation process involves the below steps:
Let’s go through some guidelines to ensure the best possible quality for your keypoint annotations.
At Data Labeler, we provide quality data labeling services to companies worldwide.
If Keypoint Annotation is something that interests you, please check out our website to find out more about our services. Furthermore, feel free to contact us for a quote on our expert data labeling services or request a demo today!