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The 6 essential techniques for AI teams to hasten up the creation of AI data
August 03, 2022

The 6 essential techniques for AI teams to hasten up the creation of AI data

A survey revealing that 85% of AI projects fail to deliver on their promises to businesses highlights the significance of AI project management, or more specifically, managing AI initiatives. The management of an AI project is distinct from the management of a regular software development project because AI projects are unique. This essay discusses 6 […]

Modern Trends in Machine Learning Data Annotation
July 26, 2022

Modern Trends in Machine Learning Data Annotation

The process of categorizing data in a way that computers can understand either through computer vision or natural language processing is known as data annotation in the context of machine learning. The machine learning model can sense its environment, form opinions, and respond in another way thanks to data labeling services. Data scientists use a […]

Why is a Data Engine Necessary For our ML Team?
July 06, 2022

Why is a Data Engine Necessary For our ML Team?

Today’s machine learning teams confront similar difficulties, such as the requirement to provide higher quality training data, speed up model iterations, and assist their firm in gaining a competitive advantage through performant AI. Even the most complex models may be built by teams using a practical and smooth data engine in the field of labeling […]

A Quick Guide to Find the Right Minds for Annotation
May 20, 2022

A Quick Guide to Find the Right Minds for Annotation

The amount of data involved in AI and machine learning integration is far too large to handle in-house. Finding outsourced data labeling professionals who can use their knowledge to create quality training data within a specific time limit is your best bet. Outsourcing data annotation and labeling services to a professional firm that can deliver […]