AI Applications In Marketing

Artificial Intelligence must be perceived as a tool to drive marketing initiatives of achieving goals with a higher degree of precision. AI will inevitably help marketers combine advanced technology and human creativity to read, understand, and engage with modern consumers at the individual level with hyper-personalized, relevant, and timely communications. Data scientists may not understand marketing, and the marketer might not understand data science. But as the future paints the picture of an AI-driven world, the two will have to work together to understand the parameters of use cases, the data required to optimize them, and how that data will be acquired, governed, and used. We provide the best image annotation services for machine learning AI  companies.

There are around 15 applications in marketing. Some of the Applications and ways in which AI makes marketing better are:

Smart Content Curation

AI content creation governs machine-created content and automated personalization for the customer journey. AI-powered content curation allows you to engage visitors better and stay on top of their minds by providing them relevant content and extra value while putting forward your industry experience.

Voice Search

Everyone is familiar with Alexa, Cortana, and Siri. They are virtual assistants and work on speech recognition technology to assist users with their voice searches. Voice search is AI-based technology and can let marketers improve future SEO strategies. It is tremendously helpful in generating more traffic and enabling customer retention.

Ad Targeting

Machine learning algorithms on top of AI can analyze large amounts of customers’ historical data to establish which ads suit which customer and at what stage in the buying process. Using trends and data, AI can serve you as a marketer with the optimization benefits to deploy content at the right time. 

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing is when intelligent algorithms work behind a flexible pricing strategy based on current market demands and customer trends. Dynamic pricing also refers to time-based pricing or demand pricing.

Benefits of Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

There is a myriad of use cases for AI in marketing efforts, and each of these use cases yields different benefits such as risk reduction, increased speed, greater customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and more. Benefits may be quantifiable (number of sales) or not quantifiable (user satisfaction). There are a few overarching benefits that can be applied across AI use cases:

Increased Campaign ROI

If leveraged correctly, marketers can use AI to transform their entire marketing program by extracting the most valuable insights from their datasets and acting on them in real-time. AI platforms can make fast decisions on how to best allocate funds across media channels or analyze the most effective ad placements to more consistently engage customers, getting the most value out of campaigns.  

Better Customer Relationships & Real-Time Personalization

AI can help you deliver personalized messages to customers at appropriate points in the consumer lifecycle. AI can also help marketers identify at-risk customers and target them with information that will get them to re-engage with the brand.

Enhanced Marketing Measurement

Many organizations have trouble keeping pace with all of the data digital campaigns produce, making it difficult to tie success back to specific campaigns. Dashboards that leverage AI allow for a more comprehensive view of what is working so that it can be replicated across channels and budgets allocated accordingly. 

Make Decisions Faster

AI is able to conduct tactical data analysis faster than its human counterparts and use machine learning to come too fast conclusions based on campaign and customer context. This gives team members time to focus on strategic initiatives that can then inform AI-enabled campaigns. With AI, marketers no longer have to wait until the end of a campaign to make decisions, but can use real-time analytics to make better media choices.

About us:

Data Labeler specializes in offering customized and quality-labelled datasets for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence projects. Data Labeler can help you empower artificial intelligence technologies in marketing for predicting the best possibilities and transforming them into the best business

We provide quality training data for ML & AI. If you too are looking for an innovative solution for your brand, Contact Us now!