Machine Learning

Machine Learning for Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence helps companies by providing them the right tools to identify and manage key performance indicators, interact and explore data visually, and share the data with others and collaborate. Even though there are many benefits of Business Intelligence, companies have been slow in adopting it. Business Intelligence acts as an effective tool for viewing, exploring and interacting with data. But, it is not efficient enough at discovering hidden patterns.

Machine Learning is a process by which a software application uncovers patterns from historical data and operates using those patterns. In Business Intelligence, discovering hidden patterns is a manual process and is time-consuming. Machine Learning helps to automate this process which results in fast delivery of insights to businesses so that they can act upon it quickly and make better decisions.

Here’s how you can apply Machine Learning concepts to your business intelligence strategy;

Fraud Analysis

Machine Learning offers real-time information which will help in driving valuable decisions especially in case of fraud analysis. ML helps to detect fraud as and when it is occurring and not after a week or so. This data can be used to trigger actions like fraud alert and also can be collected for later analysis. Apart from catching frauds as they occur, businesses can also use the data to enhance or fix their system to prevent any anomalies from taking place.

Search-Based Business Intelligence Platform

Business Intelligence involves analysts producing sophisticated answers manually for people’s questions. By leveraging Machine Learning, businesses can train the data and the BI tool to deliver answers for people without the need for the manual building of all answers in advance.


Bots are seen more as a support function. But, with Machine Learning, bots can be used to bring data into existing workflows. In the retail industry, bots can give you insights on how many customers you have. It can also provide answers to what platforms your internal customers are using and how their workflows intersect with those platforms.


Machine Learning helps to enhance the forecasting abilities of businesses. It helps to churn out answers when companies are looking for future monthly sales estimates or for optimizing the supply chain. Machine Learning provides businesses with relevant answers instead of giving models that can predict them.

About Data Labeler

By leveraging the advanced tools and technologies, Data Labeler offers best-in-class data labeling services in New York for your Computer Vision projects. Reach out to us @ for high-quality training datasets.

Artificial Intelligence

Myths of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has raised a lot of curiosity and excitement in recent times. What used to be a topic of discussions in academic institutions has now become a buzzword with everyone talking about it. Various industries have shown interest in adopting AI and its development is happening at a brisk pace. In addition to the interest in technology, a lot of myths of AI have surfaced leading to misunderstandings and confusions surrounding it.

Here are the top 5 myths of AI;

AI Works Like a Human Brain

AI comprises of software tools, math, and logic that works to solve a problem. Current AI is nowhere near or equivalent to human intelligence even though some forms of AI give this impression. The AI that is been developed nowadays can perform only a specific task. But if the conditions change it fails. For instance, the AI developed to perform image recognition cannot be used to perform other tasks like solving math problems.

Intelligent Machines Cannot Be Biased

AI machines are trained using data generated by humans and they perform tasks based on rules created by humans which again influences the behavior of every algorithm. Hence, AI is going to be intrinsically biased. Companies must ensure to eliminate social bias from the data used for training Machine Learning algorithms. Also, they should ensure diversity in teams developing AI and have a peer review system to significantly reduce AI bias.

AI Will Replace Only the Manual and Repetitive Jobs

In addition to automating the mundane tasks, AI can also carry out technically complex works which are generally reserved for highly-trained professionals such as doctors, financial analysts, lawyers, and others.

In the field of radiology, there have been instances of imaging AI identifying diseases quickly than the highly-trained radiologists. AI has also entered in the legal field where it is used to scan a large number of documents to present the facts and points relevant to an ongoing case.

AI has surfaced in the financial and insurance sector as well where it helps to detect fraud and advise on wealth management. But AI is not going to completely replace the human efforts but rather it helps to enhance the work and leave the unusual tasks to be carried out by humans.

Super-Intelligent Machines Will Outpace the Humans

When it comes to calculation speed and recall capacity, machines can easily outpace humans. But, when you consider strategic thinking, emotional ability, and creative intelligence, machines are nowhere near humans. Moreover, machines can only be as intelligent as the data that is available to them.

When pursuing the best possible answer, machines pursue infinite possibilities and may end up in a proverbial rabbit hole without the possibility of coming out of it. Humans, on the other hand, pursue the countless possibilities and if something doesn’t work, will pause and reconsider their strategy and will pursue a different path.

Not Every Business Requires an AI Strategy

AI is a transformative technology that can do wonders for your business. It can help you focus on your core business objectives and help you gain a competitive advantage. But if you decide to have a no AI strategy, then you should make this decision after enough research and consideration. The decision should be revisited regularly so that you are not left behind in the competitive market.

About Data Labeler

Utilizing the complex tools and technologies, Data Labeler offers best-in-class image annotation and video annotation services that help you build sharper models with great precision. Reach out to us @ for high-quality datasets for your ML and AI initiatives.

Image Captioning

Visual Search – Images for a Better Search Experience

Gone are the days when plain text used to be the only option to look for information on search engines. Nowadays, people have started using images as search query inputs to quickly find information related to the image or similar images. Innovations are being made to enhance the visual search experience of users by using Artificial Intelligence.

The retail industry will benefit the most from visual search. It helps to enable frictionless retail experiences to buyers by allowing them to shop the look. This means buyers can search with influencer’s photo or with the snapped picture of a person and find the exact product or the relevant ones.

How Visual Search Works?

Like text-based search, visual search also interprets and understands a user’s query which in this case is an image and finally delivers the relevant search results. AI is used to detect elements in an image which are then used to identify and show similar images.

Text-based search forces people to think hard to get their search query right and find what they are looking for. But visual search powered by AI helps to interpret images and take visual cues from it thereby reducing the burden for the searcher.

Optimizing Images for Better Search Experience

Structured Data

Use of structured data helps to take the visual search experience to an entirely new level. It helps the visual search engines to return more relevant results by allowing them to more accurately scan a web page content.

Image Categorization

Tagging and annotation of images help to improve the image search experience. Labeling and categorization of images help to surface the best images for searchers and makes it easier for them to find what they are looking for.

Alt Attributes

In addition to improving the accessibility of images, a descriptive alt text helps the search engines to understand the image better and provide the relevant search results.

Image Quality

The quality of the image has to be good enough for the visual search engines to see the individual components within an image and the image shouldn’t be pixelated.

At Data Labeler, we combine technology with human care to provide image annotations and video annotations with pixel-level accuracy. Our data labelers maintain quality while processing & labeling the image data which can be used efficiently for various AI and ML initiatives.

Artificial Intelligence

New Trends in AI & Sports

Artificial Intelligence is a cutting-edge technology that empowers machines to perform tasks which would normally require human intelligence such as decision making, speech recognition, and visual perception. It has had an impact on various industries from the past few years and the sports industry is no exception. It can be applied to almost all areas of sports from predicting game plan to coaching the players and assisting in winning the game.

Here are some new trends in AI and Sports:

Machine Referee

AI has already been used to assist referees when giving out judgments in tennis matches about whether the ball was in or out. But they have not completely replaced humans. Advancements in AI will lead to a situation where AI technology will fully replace the human element involved in officiating sports matches. Computer vision helps the machines to analyze the video footage in real-time and make judgments more effectively and quickly.

AI Coaches

Artificial Intelligence can assist coaches in developing and improvising game strategies. This can be achieved by training machines to fully understand the game. While devising a game plan, AI can help to predict the chances of winning for diverse game tactics. AI can also provide coaches and players with data on common mistakes and helps them to analyze the data with improved accuracy and enhances their game at a faster rate.

Automated Press

AI helps to pick up highlights of a match and can distribute it to television broadcasters. Its capabilities have been extended to the print media as well where AI can generate pieces of content related to sports. Since most of the sports-related news is stats-based, AI can structure these data and convert it into an article automatically with ease.

Sports Chatbots

Chatbots can be used to answer the queries of fans which can range from franchise history and team stats to player stats. It helps the event organizers to communicate with people about the sporting event and helps in managing the event logistics.

Engaging Fans

Artificial Intelligence can be used to enhance the gaming experience for the fans. Using this technology, fans can be provided with better and faster access to video clips and highlights of the live matches which in turn keeps them excited throughout the game. AI can be used to streamline the security checks and also assist in providing expedited lanes for fans entry into stadiums.

AI will continue to impact the sports industry and as the technology improves, it will play a major role in enhancing the capabilities of the sporting events at the highest levels.

About Data Labeler

Data Labeler specializes in providing best-in-class labeled datasets that help to power Machine Learning algorithms for Computer Vision projects. Contact us to get high-quality labeled datasets for AI applications.